Don’t wait for your “song” before you dance. The DJ might not know it, or have it in his or her collection. Don’t miss out on today’s joy because what you liked yesterday isn’t available. Try something new! You just might find yourself a new favorite song, something that you like better!

Dance! Don’t wait for the drums to play before you dance, because if you do, you will merely be dancing to the drummer’s beat, adjusting your energies and moves to their rhythm. Start dancing. Let the drummer take his cue from you. Start dancing. Let the world follow. Let your vision and your passion lead, let the fervid spirit within you lead the way, not the world’s beat. Some people need the world to tell them what tune to dance to. Some listen to an external chime before they start tapping their feet. Not you. You bring yours. You drive yours. You sustain yours. And the world responds to the life in your rhythm.

You can twist your ankle, or even lose your vision, because you’re trying to dance to a beat that does not flow with your natural energy. Worse, you can become too reliant on their sound, and forget yours. In listening to them, you might slowly move away from yourself and forget how to hear the voice of your soul. Never dim your inner voice.   

So dance! The true dancer doesn’t need a drummer to beat for him to dance, no. He brings his own music, in his heart. His soul is a skillful player who sublimely, expertly, plays on its instrument, whatever the dancer needs. He who dances always has music. He brings his own. He tells the world what he wants to dance to, and the cadence of his steps reveals the exact percussion flowing from his soul. Don’t wait. Listen to the music within, and dance!

You only need external music if you stop listening to the music within. Listen to your soul’s sound, and keep dancing, and the music will never stop. Your life’s melody is found in your soul. Listen, and your dance will always be beautiful, true, unique, dynamic, irreplaceable, all yours.

When you dance from within, you will never be lost. You will always know your way home, for you will be home.
