Mommysupermodel is a woman of character, a role model whose life models the person she most wants to be: herself. That is, the person she was called to be, doing the work she’s been gifted to do. Giving her all, and receiving all her just rewards in return.
Mommysupermodel, your life is your runway! Daily, your life models your hopes, dreams, beliefs, and other things that you cherish. Like a fashion model on a runway showcases the fashionable clothes she’s wearing, so too your life showcases the things that you value, and what you’re focusing on in a particular season of your life. One only need look at your life to know the things that are important to you. Your life speaks. It tells of your values and priorities. How you live your life tells a lucid and lucent story of your aspirations and inspirations, your past, present, yea, your future.
Question: What is currently on display in the runway of your life? What does one see when they see you? Do you like what is showing? If not, you can change it just as easily as a model changes outfits!
Become a #MommySupermodel member today, and let us begin designing a new and more befitting and fulfilling life for you, a life that you’ll be glad to have displayed on your personal runway.
Your problems are very rude. They call relentlessly at the most unholy hours.
It’s another 3am phone call for you. No, you are not the President of the United States, but your problems and challenges are keeping you awake till the wee hours of the morning. Again. You have been tossing and turning in bed, your restless mind giving you no respite. Finally, in exhaustion, you give up and sit up in bed. What’s the use, you think? You might as well get up and try, once again, to find the solution that has so long eluded you. You go to your desk, and turn on the lamp. Its brilliance disturbs your eyes and makes you squint. It’s as if your mind too has been squinting lately, unable to open up and clearly see the way forward out of this morass that you find yourself. Your log into your computer, and time blinks back at you: 2:57 am. It might as well have been shouting three minutes to failure, three minutes to being fired, three minutes to going out of business…
You open the dreaded sales reports. The numbers seem to be mocking, jeering at you. It’s obvious that you will not make your sales target for this month. The past two quarters have been equally disappointing. You know something must change, or you will have to change jobs. Maybe your small business would have to shut its doors for good, if something doesn’t change, and change fast.
You have conducted brainstorming sessions, ideation conferences, until you are blue in the face. No breakthroughs, No usable ideas have come of it. You sense that there is something that you can do, and that you’re capable of figuring it out, but it’s like a detective following a strong lead on a case, whose trail suddenly runs cold. You simply can’t seem to reach into the unknown and draw out the answer that you know exists, and which you desperately need. And this is the bigger frustration, knowing that your solution is available, but you can’t connect with it. At least not yet.
Still, you have the consolation that a solution exists, and that you will eventually find it. That has been your life’s philosophy. You believe in possibilities, that every problem can be solved, or at least mitigated. That there is a serum for every virus or pestilence that plagues your business, career, or life. Like this author is wont to say: “There is a way. Go find it!” You already know that the problem is solvable, all that’s left now is the search. You are determined to pour your heart, soul, strength, mind, and body into finding the elusive but not illusory solution. You are giving all that you are, to get all that you want. I call this FOCUS! “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”, like the renowned poet Alfred Tennyson writes in his famous poem, “Ulysses”.
Focus is the concentration of one’s mental, physical, even spiritual forces towards the achievement of a particular outcome. Focus is the delineation of priorities, of identifying the one thing that one is willing to stake everything on, and to pursue it to completion.
Focus eliminates distraction. It is the erasure of mental noise, caused by the overload of our mental faculties with information and everything else that competes for our attention. Noise is the distraction that impedes the easy flow of information. Thus, focus is the elimination or reduction of this noise, in order to assist in the unobstructed flow of direly needed information and ideas from our inner man to flow to our physical man, from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind where decisions are made and action taken. Our subconscious mind holds the insight and rare wisdom that we need to tackle our problems, be they professional or personal, and it is imperative that we clear the path for such valuable information to flow through with ease and reach us, so we can profit from it. In information technology, this will be described as throughput, ensuring the clear and maximum delivery of information in a network. The human mind is a network of sorts, and sometimes the mental clutter and distractions of daily life can seriously impede the seamless flow of ideas and information from the subconscious to the conscious mind.
When the mental noise is high, one’s ability to hear, let alone hear clearly from their subconscious mind, is severely curtailed.
Unfortunately, this is how we miss out on great, life-changing ideas and solutions, and instead go marching round and round the mountain of confusion, and being tormented by our own 3am phone calls. Focus is the answer.
Imagine the motorcade of a dignitary passing through a busy thoroughfare. The traffic is cleared to make way for him or her to pass without delay. It is in a similar fashion that we must pave the way for vital information to travel from our subconscious mind and reach our conscious mind. Some information is just too important to get caught up in the traffic, be delayed, or not make it through at all. Remove, or at least reduce the traffic so that eminent ideas and hunches that you have been expecting will find safe and timely passage from your inner, wiser man, to your physical man. Now you can go to work implementing the ideas received. That is why meditation and other such techniques are helpful. And that is why focus is indispensable to the person who is determined to succeed in any worthwhile endeavor, especially if the project entails doing something inventive, or something that they have never done before as an individual. And the more we want to accomplish, the more we must tap into the strange and infallible abilities of our inner man. And we can hardly do so, unless we focus. You’re not bereft of good ideas, you’re just distracted, and your mind too busy and cluttered, to hear the timeless wisdom emanating from your more enlightened inner man. Hush! Be still and succeed!
One of the popular questions in our culture is asking someone who their hero is. Who inspired you as a youngster? Who inspires you now? Sometimes it’s a “what”, not a “who”. But the point is that we all need something or someone to inspire us, to draw out our greatness from within. The question implies that we want to achieve great feats, and that certain individuals, causes, and circumstances help drive us towards accomplishing these lofty endeavors. But what if we’ve been looking in all the wrong places for our heroes? What if your primary hero is none other than yourself? After all, who knows better than you, what moves you and what you can achieve?
Be a hero in your own life. There’s no greater role model to look up to, than the better, nobler person that you desire to become. He, she, is your role model. You wish more than anything else, to become him, her. Not anyone or anything else, but him/her. YOU.
You hold a beautiful image of that person within you. It is a clear, sublime, unblemished image etched on your soul- an image of you!
Everyday you look at that image. Everyday you are called to live out that image. Everyday you must take steps to reflect the majesty that resides within, striving to be revealed. You have it in your power to be who your soul knows that you can be, must be, if your life is to be lived in truth.
Don’t forget the greatness that you see within. Don’t forget the nobility, the beauty, and excellence that you glimpsed from the deep, rich, unique well of your soul. When you do this, when you live this authentically, giving voice to the uncommon being within, and bringing to life the great vision imagined by your soul, then you’re truly living. Then you are a hero. A superhero- yours!
In a world where many try their hardest to copy others and to blend in, it is the greatest act of heroism to be true to oneself, to become in this world, what one already is, within. To bring eternity into time, to make immortality mortal, to be one with yourself, in spirit and in flesh. It isn’t creating anything new, it is simply the excavating and unveiling of who you truly were all along. Your soul knew this incontrovertible truth. That’s why it was restless and unfulfilled, until you revealed the real you.
To live authentically is to be a hero everyday, shinning your light to the fullest, everyday. To allow your soul to sing its song in the purest, most beautiful way. That’s life indeed!
Remember you. Be true to you. Become you.
Come home.
Come to yourself today. You are the hero that you seek, the hero that you’ve always known that you could be.
One’s arms are never shorter than their imagination. Our arms can reach as far as our imagination can conjure, and bring its musings into reality.
The cliche is true: you can achieve whatever your mind can conceive. Your mind isn’t some wild, idiotic, impractical wasteland. At least not if you tend to it. Ignoring the grandeur kindled by your imagination is like a man who discovered a vast gold mine in his backyard, sealed it up, and never mined it. Yet he lives in squalor and indigence.
Your imagination is not just a dreamer of dreamers. It is an infallible indication of your potentialities and abilities, a harbinger of things to come. What the mind sees is an authentic blueprint for the feet to walk and the hands to build.
This indicates man’s dual nature- you are both spirit and body, non-physical and physical, visible and invisible, eternal and mortal. You can’t live an existence that is half of who you are. The mind and the body are one. The invisible world and the visible world are one. Your mind’s inventions and your hands creations are one and the same thing. The two- mind and hands- are a team. They collaborate to produce the same outcome.
So what you imagined is what you are absolutely capable of achieving. There is nothing like a pipe dream. The dream is real. Your dreams are real! They are real in your sacred, inner man, and that is proof positive that the external, physical man can achieve it. What you see within you can be fully, exactly replicated in your physical life. Your dreams are merely a foreshadowing of what is to come in your physical life, if you work at it, if you permit it to come alive.
The only obstacles are fear and lack of faith.
Never let anyone, not even yourself, tell you that your dreams are unattainable, or that they are a “shitty pipe dream”, like Ellis Redding told Andy Dufresne in the Shawshank Redemption, one of the greatest works of cinema.
Climbing the last hill can feel like climbing ten Everests. The last mile is always the hardest, for the journey has been long and tasking. We’re weighed down not just by today’s troubles, but by the aftershocks of yesterday’s avalanche.
You’ve been on a journey for while now. You’ve fought hard and hung in tough. But it seems your efforts always fell short. You’re beginning to lose heart. Maybe you dreamed far higher and bigger than you have the ability to execute? Too big for your britches, eh?
Maybe your critics were right. Maybe you aren’t cut out for this “big” stuff after all. Maybe you should cut your losses and quit now. Right?
No way! Press on! The dream you had is real. The goal is attainable. One’s arms are never shorted than their imagination. Our arms can reach as far as our imagination can conjure.
We lose by not finishing, than we do from stumbling. Failure isn’t that you fell or made a mistake, or that things didn’t pan out like you expected. True failure is leaving the job half done. Quitting. Throwing in the towel before the goal is achieved. Your vision wasn’t to test and see, to “try” it out. It was to accomplish a particular goal, and for as long as the goal is not yet reached, the mission remains incomplete.
Finish it. You’ll get no respect, not from yourself or from others, if you don’t finish. Not finishing is the curse of people who live with regrets; don’t let it be yours. If there’s one thing that I hate, it’s regrets! I loathe it!
Finish what you start, and you’ll have the wherewithal to do even greater things in the future. Today’s success lays the tracks for tomorrow’s conquest. But you must finish!
Don’t let your doubts and fears become greater than your dreams. Here’s an equation that I like to use to help me clarify things: the mathematical sign of “greater than” (>).
I ask myself this question: Dreams or fears, which of them will I allow to come in front of the “greater than” sign?
Scenario #1: Dreams/goals > fears. OR
Scenario #2: Fears > Dreams/goals.
Obviously, scenario #1 is preferable. It helps us focus on pushing ahead even when we are afraid, when fear and its troublesome cousins of doubt and anxiety come calling. That you’re afraid isn’t new, nor is it strange, and it isn’t the problem. Letting the fear stop you is the problem. Fear will always knock on the doors of our hearts. It’s a human condition. But if we’re wise, we won’t open the door. Of course, we will certainly hear the incessant, rapping at the door. But courage helps us silence the noise. The greater one’s courage, the easier it is to successful drown out the boisterous, impetuous fear.
Yes, you can never completely eliminate fear and doubt, but make sure you have the right perspective, and keep those trouble makers exactly where they belong: under your feet and in the dust.
Don’t give them the time of day, and don’t permit them to steal your joy and dreams. It’s time to charge ahead with even more determination and verve.
You’ve seen the future. Be bold and determined to live it. Fully.
Sometimes, some situations can’t be salvaged. Best to just walk away.
After hours, days, weeks, even years, we’re still stumped. We ask ourselves, “How do I best to respond to this? How can I safely, effectively, and wisely respond to this situation without making it worse? Is there a way to put out this fire without personally getting engulfed by the flames?”
Can this situation be effectively addressed in a manner that allows me to maintain my sanity, composure and integrity? Is there a possibility that I might get ensnared by the same clutches that I am trying to rescue someone from? Can I salvage the situation, or do I just need to humbly walk away?
Sometimes we might find that when faced with a difficult situation, the answers to the questions above are a resounding “NO. There’s nothing you can do”. So what to do next? My suggestion? Stop doing. Simply refuse to engage. Stay away. Don’t take the bait. Walk away.
This is especially important if this is a chronic problem that you have in your personal life, say like in a relationship or business. Sometimes there simply is no way to tackle a problem without getting sucked in. You know this because you’ve tried it many times before.
You went in with good intentions and suggestions that you thought were reasonable solutions to the problem. Instead of support and understanding, you received severe push back, defensiveness, and may be even anger.
Eventually you realize that you can’t fix this problem, and that every attempt that you have made in the past has not only failed, but they have left you drained and increasingly disillusioned.
It’s time to disengage. Tune out. Abandon the ‘rescue mission’. It isn’t going to work. If anything, you could end up both causing irreparable damage to your relationship and getting yourself dragged down in the mire.
Some situations are simply too complex and ingrained in people’s character and behavior patterns for us to resolve, no matter how well-meaning we are. This is way above your pay grade. Give it up, or go down with it. A dead man can save no one.
You know what they say about saving a drowning man- as you try to rescue him, be careful that he doesn’t pull you down into the water with him and you both drown.