Why is kryptonite dangerous to Superman? It weakens him and deprives him of his supernatural abilities. In other words, it makes him ordinary, like a “normal” guy, destructible, conquerable.

As long as he is Superman, and retains his special talents, he thrives and soars above all else. He dominates in his domain and is unstoppable. His demise can only come when he disrobes himself of his “specialness”, and becomes average.

His averageness is his waterloo.

What sets you apart as a person is what sets you apart in the world, and brings you to a place of success and honor. 

Humans, as similar as we are in our DNA and other biological makeup, we are also very different. Our similarities are obvious, and are on the surface. One needn’t do anything to partake in the biological qualities, one need only breath, exist. On the other hand, the things that set us apart are hidden, and we must dig deep, and draw them forth. We must be well-acquainted with our inner, deeper, hidden self. We must intentionally bring forth these differentiating gifts. This takes work. It takes self study, self-knowledge, and self-possession.

A man who knows not himself can not know the vast riches that are housed within him. And so, he can not know what makes him different, special. He is thus undistinguished, and unsung. 

Among his contemporaries, he remains a nobody, for he hasn’t found a way to demonstrate his genius, to announce himself to the world, and to stand out . No one goes to the marketplace to buy the things that they already possess. People purchase the things that they lack. People need you for the things that they can’t do for themselves, that is, they need you for the things that make you different. If all you have to offer is what they already have, then you add little or no value to them. This invariably renders you useless.

Become a superman in your area of endeavor. Retain your supernaturalness. Be special, and share your specialness with the world. This is how you win. This is how your soul is fulfilled.

This is a well-lived life.

In Your Image

In Your Image

You are never more lost than when you are running from yourself. You will never wear another man’s face, and yet know your own. Your heart cannot despise you yet love you at the same time.

Know you. Accept you. Love yourself, strengths, flaws, warts, and all. Then you can show up right in the world and do the amazing things that you’ve been called to do.

God created you in His image. Being the apex of creation, you too will, and must create your world after your own image. If you do not embrace your image, and yourself, how can you create anything worthwhile? How’s that even impossible? It’ll be like a nonpregnant chicken trying to give birth to a goat. She’s trying to accomplish two immutable impossibilities: bring forth from nothing, and bring forth a kind that’s different and apart from herself. Impossible!

If you don’t like who you are, that’s isn’t the end of the world! There’s a cure for that! Learn, grow, change, be better, and do better! Thankfully this is entirely possible! Humans, we are nothing if not a learning and growing species! Think of the way in which we arrive in this world as helpless, clueless babies, and how we grow and change the world. 

Any perceived weaknesses in you is simply an invitation to be better, to push and attain a better you. It isn’t a death sentence. Nothing is more attractive and inspiring as a person who works to improve themselves. I think it’s almost godlike!

So here’s to you. To you being fully you. To examining yourself and doing an honest stocking-taking. To you loving yourself, to you fully embracing yourself, to you having the courage to change that which needs changing, to you shining brightly in the full plumage of your glory as you were meant to.

Here’s to you, my dear friend. All my love and best wishes, always. 💕

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