Your Life is Your Runway!

Mommysupermodel is a woman of character, a role model whose life models the person she most wants to be: herself. That is, the person she was called to be, doing the work she’s been gifted to do. Giving her all, and receiving all her just rewards in return.

Mommysupermodel, your life is your runway! Daily, your life models your hopes, dreams, beliefs, and other things that you cherish. Like a fashion model on a runway showcases the fashionable clothes she’s wearing, so too your life showcases the things that you value, and what you’re focusing on in a particular season of your life. One only need look at your life to know the things that are important to you. Your life speaks. It tells of your values and priorities. How you live your life tells a lucid and lucent story of your aspirations and inspirations, your past, present, yea, your future.

Question: What is currently on display in the runway of your life? What does one see when they see you? Do you like what is showing? If not, you can change it just as easily as a model changes outfits!

Become a #MommySupermodel member today, and let us begin designing a new and more befitting and fulfilling life for you, a life that you’ll be glad to have displayed on your personal runway.

Mommysupermodel, your life is your runway!
